Best Facebook group ever--go check them out

Alpha Girl--banner by m81170 on FanFicAholics Anon

Alpha Girl--banner by m81170 on FanFicAholics Anon
"I thought he had gone mad, breaking up with my cousin Leah and coming onto me, talking about werewolves and destiny..."--Emily

Different Different by bonded2jasper

Different Different by bonded2jasper
courtesy of Cassie WhitlockHale

Lovers & Friends by bonded2jasper

Lovers & Friends by bonded2jasper
banner courtesy of Cassie WhitlockHale

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Rob is sad (Alternate Title: Why ADF is awesome)

You know why Rob is sad? Because someone is slandering his favorite Twilight fansite, ADifferentForest. Rob is so sad that he may not want to act or have pictures taken of his pretty face until people stop saying terrible things about ADF. Shame on anyone who has said anything that makes Rob sad.
Now here's why ADF is such an awesome site: because their motto is true--it truly is "A different place for vampires, wolves, and humans to celebrate the good, the bad, and the utterly ridiculous aspects of the Twilight universe." Everyone is so generous--just yesterday, we just had a thread where avatar-less members were helped by those who know how to use photoediting software. If anyone goes beyond constructive criticism into flaming, they are removed from the forest. Anyone who tells you anything different is just spreading lies. So, in conclusion, I say we all:
So that Rob can be like this again:

So, go over to ADF and see what it's all about. You may realize you like & wanna spend some considerable time there.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I just wanted to share some LOLcatz that I did recently.
This is angsty fic Bella (& kinda Bella in Eclipse):

This is Lauren the Super-Bitch that always gets portrayed in Twific (and alot in the Saga):

One Pushy Fox--Tales from a Sly Vixen

 One Push Fox

I support the Twilight Guy!

Spreading the word about TLYDF

Lovers & Friends Trailer