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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Who are these Team Jacob people?

Who are these Team Jacob people? I understand how you could be a little upset with Edward for leaving in New Moon, but how could you completely switch to liking Jacob? Yeah, he's great for Bella when Edward's gone, but then when Edward comes back he becomes such a jerk. He rats her out so that she'll get grounded--what kind of friend does that? Then he just acts like a douche & bitches at Bella at how she shouldn't be with Edward and how unnatural vampires are, even though he's a werewolf because his ancestor shared a wolf's body to avoid moving on when someone stole his while he was out of it. Real natural, wolf boy (*cough*hypocrite*cough*).
I've been in an Eclipse-like situation & I haven't acted like Jacob. I want to deserve my man when I win him over. I haven't told his girlfriend how he feels about me because I'm not going to force his hand. When we spend time together, I don't bitch at him at how much prettier I am than her (note: I am in fact prettier than her, and that's an honest observation, not conceit or pettiness) or anything like that, or tell him that how much better for him than she is. I don't want to ruin the time we spend together like Jacob ruined the time he and Bella spent together by harping on him leave his girlfriend (again, like Jacob harped on Bella to leave Edward). I'm not going to lie to him or force myself on him like Jacob. I will deserve my victory. If he leaves his girlfriend for me, it's going to be because he sees, through our time together, that he likes how I treat him and feels he'd rather be with me, not because I manipulated him or forced myself on him. You can say all day long that you never know what you would do until you're in that situation--well, I've been in that situation, heck I'm in that situaion RIGHT NOW, and I can honestly say that I haven't acted like him & can't respect his tactics. I can't see how anyone can prefer a man who would leave you if it meant you would be happy to a man who bashes your beloved and manipulates you and forces himself on you.
Can any Team Jacobers explain this to me?

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