Ugh, I am getting so lazy with this blog, but I promise I'm going to try to do better. Anyway, tomorrow's my 20th birthday & I'm psyched. My roommate made me a Twilight-themed birthday cake. Here are some pictures of the cake:

Pretty sweet cake, huh? The figurines are Edward, Bella, Jacob, & Renesmee; then there's the apple from the Twilight cover & the chess pieces and board from the Breaking Dawn cover; the grass is from the meadow; and the stuff around the cake represents First Beach (roomie is a wolf girl after all--gotta put some Rez in there somewhere).
I've had some romantic trouble recently, but I'm over that now--never make someone a priority that considers you an option.
I think I'm going to help my mom get a Facebook--I know I said I don't think parents who have teens on FB should be on Facebook, but mom won't use hers to spy on me (and after tomorrow I won't be a teen anymore anyway--haha). I still think there are some rules of ettiquette if you are the parent of a FB user who wants to get a Facebook; they are as follows:
- Don't use it to spy on your kid; Facebook was created for social networking, not parental snooping
- Don't post anything embarassing on your kid's Wall or any humiliating photos in your albums
- Be careful when adding your kid's friends--it's better they come to you, especially if you've only met them recently
These are just some basics rules to follow--anything else is on a case-to-case basis between you and your kid.
I got the Us Weekly's special New Moon issue; I split the posters with my roomie because 1)I wanted to show her that I appreciated the effort it took to make that cake 2) I have no idea where I would put 7 posters--4 is much more manageable.
AngstGoddess003 wrote a one-shot to tide over her readers while she slaves over the Wide Awake epilogue--it's called Great Vexations. It's a slashfic, which I thought I would never like, but I do how she wrote it. It is SO GOOD! Go read it--now.
P.S.: For any of you on Twitter, you can follow my random ramblings here.
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