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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Catching Up

Sorry I haven't posted in so long--I didn't have much in the way of an Internet connection this summer. Anyway, I have a new apartment and constant Internet access is mine once again--yays! So, my bff had a baby boy--he's so cute and sweet! When you tell him that you love him, he tries to say it back. Also, I went to see Wicked at the Orpheum--so good! It followed the storline of the book pretty well, while at the same time showing some creative license that mixed really well. I also went to the Brooks Art Museum and the Memphis Zoo the same week. I got some awesome Andy Warhol magnets while I was there--they were $10 for 4 of them which is sort of steep, but I <3 Andy Warhol.
Also, I went to see my grandparents in July. It was nice, but I always feel like they refuse to see how much I've grown up, especially my grandfather. It's nice to be back where people look at me as an adult.
I bought this book in the campus bookstore called, You're Being Lied To by Russ Kick. He writes a few things in there, but it's mostly compiled by him--he asked alot of people from alot of different backgrounds. They're aren't alot of conservative opinions in there because Rush Limbough told them not to do it
they didn't have anything to say. It doesn't have all the answers, but it does show how the "answers" we have now are wrong.

I joined the Campus Anti-War Network. No, that does not mean that I am anti-military--in fact, one of our goals is for all of those who served in the armed forces to get full physical and mental health benefits and educational funds, regardless of discharge status. We even have a guy who served in Iraq in our group and no one treats him badly or indifferently because he was in the military. The reason I joined CAN is because I don't believe we should be in Iraq, and we're actually in Afganistan for all the wrong reasons. We went over there to look for Osama bin Laden and his Al-Queda operatives and we're not even actually focused on that anymore. I also don't believe we should get involved in the civil wars of other nations or use the military to supposedly spread democracy. That's what being in CAN is about.

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