Ahem. Sorry about that. I just really, really needed to say that. Now, for anyone who might read my blog who either agrees with those that say Edward is abusive or who might be on the fence or who just want to know how I plan to back up my statement, I present the following statement-rebuttal form arguement:
- He's controlling/possessive.
Most male vampires are. They have a very possessive, territorial nature that makes them want to be in control of their mate. This is hard to detect when said male has a strong mate who will stand up to him. This is shown when Bella finally puts her foot down & declares that she will see Jacob and that he is not a danger to her; Edward relents as soon as Bella makes it clear that she will not put up with being bossed around. Bella only puts her foot down occassionally though, making her appear weak and Edward abusive when really she's just a non-confrontational, pick-your-battles kind of girl and he's got a normal attitude for a male vampire.
- He left when he should have known it would tear her apart.
How is supposed to have known that? Edward has been around romantic relationships, but has not had one of his own ever. Further complicating things, he's in love with his la tua cantante, whom he might lose control and harm/kill. He hasn't ever been around a romantic relationship with the sort of complications that his does. Also, Edward never understood why Bella loved him; he thought himself such a monster and so dangerous to Bella's well-being that he was positive that if he just removed his hypnotic presence, she would snap out of her love trance and see that he did the right thing for her and move on to a human man who could give her a normal life. He had no idea that it had nothing to do with the things that drew those who would've been prey in and everything to do with him and that she would not "snap out of" her love for him or move on. So there was no way he knew that leaving could have such a negative influence on her.
- He told her he had planned on killing himself.
I consider this a confidence. He wasn't telling her to make her feel responsible for his well-being or anything like that; he told her because it was the truth. I actually think it may have been a ploy meant to show Bella how fucked-up he was so that she would leave him for a safe, normal Mike Newton-type of guy.
- He snuck into her room when she was asleep without her knowledge.
I would consider this valid if, once he began spending the night in her with her knowing, he never told her. But he did tell her and she didn't care. If she had been upset, I might have even said it was wrong, but she didn't care. Besides, he wasn't doing it to be a creepy stalker guy, he was doing it because he was fascinated with watching her sleep. He never touched her or any of her things, he just sat and watch. Plus, you may not want to admit it, but I bet most of us would've been flattered that he spent his nights with us even before we knew he did.
- He isolates her from her friends
No, Bella just has little to no interest in her human friends. She wasn't real into them before she started dating Edward, then when she had someone else [Edward] to spend her time with, she had no reason to keep up the pretense of interest.
Anyone who wants me to tell me why they think or maybe just another reason that they've heard given that Edward is abusive, simply comment on this entry and I will either reply to the comment itself or if I get a few more maybe turn them into a new blog entry. I don't mind the possibility that you might want to comment and tell me how right I am :)
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