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Monday, February 22, 2010

Conservatives Fear Progressives

Grrr....the older I get, the more I dislike conservatives. It's not that I love liberals more, I just hear more and more godawful bullspit from conservatives & it makes me go toward the liberal side of things. During CPAC, which has been dubbed "the Conservative Woodstock" (because, like Woodstock, the "message" is incoherent & quite possibly formulated under the influence of drugs), conservative politicians spewed a message of hate against so many groups it's freakin' ridiculous. They listed their "enemies", which didn't just include out-and-out liberals, but also a slew of others including progressives. Glenn Beck (who is quite possibly my least favorite person on the planet) tried to explain (again, incoherently) why we should hate progressives.
What the hell?! Progressives did so much for this country! It was the progressive movement that pushed for child labor laws; it was progressives that pushed for an 8-hour workday, a minimum wage, & safe working conditions; it was progressives who pushed for the public libraries where Beck claims to have educated himself on the inner-workings of government. Glenn Beck said, "You know how I learned all this? I educated myself; I went to the library--it's free, people!" No, Mr. Beck, libraries are NOT free; they are paid for by taxes and are community-owned. According to your own definition, you are a communist. I wish I had some way to make sure he would read this blog because someone needs to shame that man into silence (assuming the moron is capable of shame).

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