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banner courtesy of Cassie WhitlockHale

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!

Whichever you prefer, it's none of my business. I've got all my bases covered for the Easter holiday pictures. I never understood why exactly Jesus's resurrection inspired a holiday character such as the Easter Bunny until last year when I read the origin of the holiday's timing. You can read the story here. It's not why Christians celebrate Easter, it's why we celebrate it when we do. I'm not going to push any type of religious agenda on anyone, so I'll switch gears now.
Anyway, I opened my Easter gift (yes, I'm 19 and still get an Easter gift--I'm lucky like that) this morning and was pretty pysched to find an iTunes gift card in there. I was even more pysched to actually use the gift card. I got some awesome songs and still have a little bit more that I can download. I ate a great Easter dinner with some of my family and headed back to school.

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